Monday, June 12, 2006

God & Women

Originally Written (May 10, 2006)

All my life until the spring of 2001 the only woman I had daily conversations with was my mom. Growing up in a house dominated by men, mom and the family dog were the only females in our house. For most my life and still I consider myself ignorant in the area of understanding women. One day I decided to call my specialist on women, two women that are honest with me and have no fear of the relationship changing. That’s because these women are married to my brothers.

So I called my experts, my sister-in-laws, and asked them some questions that I was confused about. Of course they laughed at me and acted like my questions were common sense, but to men this knowledge is not common. One question I asked they thought was so funny they repeated it for my brothers, to which they both said, “Good question.” But their wives thought we were just being funny, but we were serious.

God is even harder to understand then women. We call women complex and impossible to figure out, but who could ever understand the greatness of God. How can we hope to understand Him, if we never study or talk to Him?

There have been many philosophers and theologians that have expounded on God, but miss the mark by a mile. Why do they miss the mark? I have a hard time understanding women, because I have not spent enough time in their company to understand them. These thinkers do not understand God, because they have not spent enough time in His company to understand Him.

Several times I have asked people what they think about God. The most common response is, “He does not care about me.” They have this perspective that God is so huge and in our eyes busy to care about us. People also feel that God does not care when He does not answer their prayers.

We were created in God’s image; no other part of creation can claim this. In His image, does not mean that we are equals to Him, or that He is as limited as we are. We are limited by knowledge, time, and strength, but God is not. Long before we knew how the cell worked, He created it that way. He is not limited, we are.


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