Monday, June 12, 2006

So Who Am I To Tell Him How To Run Things? Part 1

Originally Written (Febuary 4, 2006)

"I've stood in front of dozens of men, who were all staring death in the face. Every single one of them begged for Gods help. After seeing all those pleas go unanswered I lost my faith."
Assault On Precinct 13
The Character Bishop

In Genesis 15 God promises Abram (later Abraham) a son of your own who will be your heir. Genesis 16 Abram’s wife does not believe she can have a child, and tells Abram to sleep with her servant. God once again tells, now Abraham, by this time next year your wife, now Sarah, will have a son. Sarah laughs in disbelief, but later in Genesis 21 gives birth to Isaac.
Abraham and Sarah

Numbers 14 we see the very people that saw the 7 plagues in Egypt begin to protest against Moses and Aaron. The very people that saw the waters separate so they could cross to safety began to plan to return to their Egyptian slavery. The end result is the only ones who will see the promise land are under 20; accept Caleb and Jephunneh they will also see the promise land.
The Freed Slaves From Egypt

John 20:24-29 Thomas says he will not believe Christ has risen from the dead unless he sees the marks on his hands and feet. Jesus says to Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Doubting Thomas

Tonight while watching Assault On Precinct 13 the line above stuck in my mind. Many times on MySpace I have come across people who doubt Gods existence because He does not work the way we want Him to. Those who saw God work and/or saw Him physically still doubted.

If God obeyed our orders I would not want to call Him God, but instead my special slave. There is nothing better, more worthy of praise, more worthy of worship, then God. If God were to worship anything other then Himself, shouldn’t we worship that? There is an old creed that says, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” John Piper rewords the creed this way, “The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.” John Piper writes, “The chief end of God is to glorify God and enjoy Himself forever.”

God answers to Himself, not to us. Who am I to tell the creator how He should do things? Is God ignorant and I have to educate Him on what is best for me? How foolish am I to think that nothing bad will happen on earth? God is God and I am not. He created things that even our best scientists cannot figure out. God has been around forever, and created man. God knows my every thought. I will tell Him my requests, but my faith is not based on His performance in fulfilling those requests.

So who am I to tell Him how He should get things done?


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