Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Terrible Dream (Originally Written July 16, 2005)

Have you ever had one of those dreams that terrified you? The kind of dream that when you wake you have to check and make sure no part was true. This happened to me when I woke July 16, 2005 at 6:00 AM. I dream or nightmare, that I will never forget. Let me give you a look into what I wrote that day.

July 16, 2005
This morning in the wee hours when the sun is just starting to come up, I woke in fear. Without my glasses on I tried to find my cell-phone. Each second that went by the fear rose and rose. I finally found it and hurriedly searched through the phonebook. Finally I found the number I wanted and dialed. One ring, two rings, come on pick-up. Finally the phone was picked up as I heard my mother’s voice say “Hello” a little bewildered because of the hour of the call. I managed to get out, “Can I talk to my father?” It seemed like it took forever for my mom to reply. I began to wonder if my fears were true. Finally after only a second, but it seemed longer for me, she said, “Are you okay Dave?” I quickly remembered how much of a worrier my mother was and said, “Yes I am fine, may I talk to Dad please?” “Sure” the fear started to settle. The voice finally came to the phone, “Hello?”

I started to cry as I had just heard the voice of my father. I tried to get my words out clearly for him, and I muttered, “I just had a horrible dream.” “Well tell me about it.” He said. Trying to fight off the tears I said, “I was dreaming and you died. I could not wake myself up and finally when I did wake up I had to call you.” “David” my parents rarely call me that except certain situations, “David, it’s okay, calm down.” The fear slowly began to go away. My father right on beat said, “David maybe God is trying to say something to you.” I talked with my mom and dad for another hour and a half. Now that the fear had subsided I was able to hang up.


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