Monday, June 12, 2006

Who am I to tell Him what to do? (Part 2)

Originally Written (March 13, 2006)

I've stood in front of dozens of men, who were all staring death in the face. Every single one of them begged for Gods help. After seeing all those pleas go unanswered I lost my faith.
Assault On Precinct 13
The Character Bishop

God should do things the way I want Him to, is our thinking. He should answer all the prayers I raise up to Him. Everything should work out awesome for me and other Christians as well. Where do we get this idea that we as moral, created beings have the right to stand in front of God and tell Him how to run His creation? We do not have the automatic right to stand in His presence. We do not have the automatic right as the created to tell the Creator what to do, and demand things be done our way.

However God does want us to get to know Him, after all He is the only one who can fill this hole in us. We will never be able to discover and explain the depths of God; this is why He is so worthy of getting to know. If we settle for anything else we are selling ourselves short.

If we were to think that everything is matter and always follows the laws of science, then we have said that this is as good as it gets. When we die, that’s it there is nothing else. Existence on Earth looses value, and is only a response of energy and matter reacting. If everything is matter then we exist as that impossible scenario in science that put matter and energy together just right to produce life as we know it.

If we were to think that ultimate reality is impersonal oneness that is beyond all distinction, and life is about meeting goals to reach a better life, or Nirvana if you will, then existence loses value. To believe that this life is only to get to the next level, as Hindus and Buddhists believe, then this life is just one we are passing through. Eventually all will reach the highest level, because in this frame of thinking we will be re-incardinated.

Think of it this way; if God was small or simple enough for us to understand then He wouldn’t be big enough for us to worship. We should desire to know an infinite God, in whom our knowledge will never be entirely satiated. We as Christians should be longing to know God better and closer. We should desire God, for in this desire God finds pleasure, and our existence finds meaning.

It’s like a sermon I was listening to recently by Andy Stanley. Have you ever loved or cared about someone a lot, but they did not feel the same way about you? A father or mother that works to provide for their family and loves their children longs for the days they get to sit and chat with their children. Some of my best times with my Dad have not been on expensive trips or events, but the times we sit and drink coffee together, the days I call and just talk with him. I loved cooking in the kitchen with my mom, even though I usually messed something up. I loved, when I was young, sitting in their laps and just being there with them. When I go home to visit my parents know what I want every time I go, and that is just a hug, the kind of hug only they can give. A hug that says, “You matter to me. I love you soooo much. I think of you everyday of my life. You are always in my prayers. I am so glad to see you.” all that is said in their hug.

That is the kind of relationship God wants and longs for with us, His creation. He wants to hold you in His arms and tell you, “I love you. I created you. You matter to Me soooo much. I think of you everyday.” God longs for us to have a relationship with Him. But like so many families now a days we the created only want God to give-me, give-me, give-me, give-me, give-me, give-me, everything I ask of You. I should love God for who He is and not base that love on His performance in my life, by my standards.


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