Monday, June 12, 2006

Dazed And Confused

Originally Written (May 4, 2006)

How many times in life do we run into things and totally forget what we were thinking? There are several stories in the bible about becoming dazed and confused. I can only imagine what it was like to be an apostle, one of the twelve that followed the son of God around. How amazing that must have been to see the things Christ did; the miracles and other impossible things happen. Anytime they needed food, ran into trouble, or did not know what to do Jesus had it taken care of. All the sudden the apostles are being told that Jesus is going to die and one of them will betray Him. Then when what Jesus said was going to happen actually does, the apostles feel dazed and confused. Many fled the scene after Jesus was captured, but all were hiding, they did not know what was happening. If the apostles had just listened Christ told them exactly what was going on before it ever did. They were starting to loose focus of their purpose, God’s plan for their life.

Back in January, I started attending Mosaic Church. It was their official launch Sunday. I really enjoyed being there, and slowly plugged myself in. Finally I found some friends in this area, and finally I had found a church I really liked. Even though everything looked great, I was starting to loose focus of my purpose. I began thinking what it would be like to settle down here, have a wife and kids, and we would all go to Mosaic.

The other day while I was praying, God kind of shook me up and said, “Dave I have a different plan for you.” I suddenly realized I was starting to become dazed and confused, also domesticated. I am not saying that it is wrong to marry, have kids, and go to a church. What I am saying is that you are selling yourself short if you are not following God’s plan for your life. I don’t know if I will ever marry or have kids, I really do not care; if I ever marry and have kid, I only want to be where God wants me. Would living the American dream be nice? Sure, but if I have to give up God’s dream to achieve that, then no.

Over the past months I let this idea of settling down creep into my mind. I was part of a church I enjoyed. I was enjoying being surrounded by people my age and could call my friends. I was enjoying the moment.

God has a plan for me, and to settle for anything else would be selling myself short. God has plans for all His children, and to settle for anything else would be selling ourselves short. With God this purpose is not just a dream that God had for you, it is why He created you, it is your purpose.


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