Sunday, July 09, 2006

Really Care??

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Just like most people out there my first car was nothing to show off. I did not start driving until I was almost 18 years old, when you have an older brother driving you everywhere it is not as important to get you driving. Anyway my first car was a 1986 Ford Taurus. Not the 6 cylinder model, the power packed 4 was what I had. Then during my freshmen year of college I was blessed with the hand-me-down of my mom’s car, or should I say my mom’s mini-van. Oh yeah, I had two cars now the Taurus and a 1989 Chevy Astro-mini van. For those that don’t know the Astro is the biggest min-van you can buy. We sold the car to a friend that needed a car to hold him over for awhile, so for at least six years the min-van was my car. Finally in the fall of 2004 the Astro became too unreliable for me to keep, so I got a Chrysler Concorde LXI. By far this car was better, because for starters this was the first car I ever drove with less than 100,000 miles on it. It has leather seats, climate control, automatic adjusting rearview mirror, and the seats can move 8 different ways. Like all of us I would like to have a different car, but that would not be a smart financial move.

Many of us treat religion the same way we look at cars. We have this mentality the it does not make a difference which one we choose to follow, so just find one that fits your needs. When a different religion becomes the “in” thing some of us change. Then there is that person that is comfortable with the car/religion that takes little effort to maintain.

Sometimes I fall into this mentality that my relationship with God takes little effort to maintain. I start to slack off on the quiet time, engaging in conversations with new people, talk with other about their walk, and many other things. Most days I run into a wall, mentally, and I have to ask myself, do I really care to know God? How could I ever answer that question with a no?

When I first started driving the Taurus I did not know what a starter did on a car, but I got the manual and figured it out, because I needed that car to get me to places. One summer the min-van’s fan would not put air through the vents. I had to figure out how to fix that or live without air coming into the passenger area of the car. This past spring while getting a oil change done I noticed that my front rotors were getting a groove in them, so I either figured out how to do it myself, for under $100, or paid someone over $400 to do it for me. When it comes down to it, we learn about the things we care about. There are plenty of ways to educate ourselves about God out there, but do we care to find them, or even read them.

When I was in college I did not want to read any book I did not have to. Near the end of college I did not want to buy a text book unless it was an absolute necessity. I relied on my professors to teach me the material, but there was that occasional professor that was bad at teaching. Then we see the bible and decided to let at pastor tell us everything we need to know about God that is in there. We rely on another person to tell us all we need to know.

Sure the bible is a very thick, and at times a heavy read, but it is worth it. The bible is filled with wisdom, poetry, and history. No other nation in the world has as much recorded history as the area of Israel, because of the bible. From reading the bible it is easy to see that God does care about His creation, and does make an effort to talk with His creation. The only thing is, are we listening or trying to fit Him into a mold that fits our limitations?


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