Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Controlled Enviroment (Originally Written June 26, 2006)

Controlled Environment
June 26, 2006

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Why place a tree in the garden when you know Adam & Eve will eventually eat it? In Genesis 1-3 we see the creation of man and the fall of man, in a spance of three chapters. Many people ask me this question, usually as an argument against creation or God’s omnipotence. However if the tree was never created then the fall may have never happened.

If the fall of man had never happened then everyone would know God and worship Him alone. If the fall never happened then this concept of free will would not exist. God would have created a controlled environment, where man had no choice but to acknowledge God’s existence and worship Him.

The last thing God created was Adam. Initially man was the only thing created without a companion. Later Adam was given a companion, made from his rib, no other part of creation can share that claim, only man’s companion was made using a part of the male. God was not finished until He had created the final touch, man.

God planted that tree in the garden because He wanted it there. God knew man was not going to obey. God wanted His creation to have the choice of following Him or not. If God wanted a controlled environment then He would have had it that way, but He wants us to choose to have a relationship with Him.


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