Monday, June 12, 2006

The Gossip Gospel

Originally Written (June 10, 2006)

How many times has the bible been misquoted? Al Gore did perhaps the most laughable mis-quote I have ever heard. Al Gore before he ran for presidency in 2000 tried to appeal to the Christian voters by citing John 3:16, but Al Gore said John 16:3 as a reference thinking he said John 3:16. On a more serious note, I have net people that twist the words of Jesus to say what they want.

I was talking with a man that claims to be a Christian. He says that Jesus specifically told us, we do not need to go to church. I asked him what verses supported his view point. He responded with a, “It’s easy to find them, just read the gospels.” He asked if there was support for my view point, and I gave him several examples, but they were tossed aside.

Also a month ago at school I was eating with my lunch buddies, yes I call them buddies even though they are all women. They were talking about movies and how sometimes it is hard to know what is at the theaters. I said it was easy for me because my church meets in a theater. One of my co-workers said those kinds of churches upset her. She says if a church cannot afford a building to show reverence to God then they should not be a church. The conversation went on, but I basically asked her where she heard that or where in the bible supports her view. She just kept saying, “That’s what my priest tells me.”

The Bible is a book that many would say they know about, but most of this knowledge is by way of gossip. So many times the bible is mis-quotes, with what we think it says, so not only are Christians combating the corruption within but the mis-understanding of the bible as well.


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