Thursday, June 29, 2006

Left Behind

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAlmost every time I go on vacation I forget something I wanted to bring at home. Usually I forget soap, toothbrush, razor, those kinds of things, and no big deal I’ll just pick it up at the store in town. I went home to surprise my father for his 50th birthday and I forgot deodorant, and did not realize it until after my shower the next morning, my sister-in-law came to the rescue with my brothers spray stuff, it worked. All day, my pits, felt weird having this spray stuff my brother had and not my usual stuff under there. Every trip I have gone on since I have never forgot my deodorant, I learned from that experience.

Usually I learn from my mistakes, but sometimes I have to go through a struggle more then once to learn the lesson. There are some things in life you only get one shot at. The way you raise you children, you can make changes as you go, but you can never go back and erase a mistake. High school years, you can get your G.E.D., but you only get one shot to graduate with your friends. What happens after death, we all have things we “like to believe”, but how many are real?

Where do your choices stand? Are you only making the choices that piss people off, just to piss them off? Is your life all about you? What does your lifestyle say about you? What would your eulogy say? Will you be asking for a restart or rewind after you die, because you messed up?

One shot is all we have, to make the right choice. When we pass away, we’re done. That is why, what my parents taught me was not enough, cause I knew I had one shot. What other people told me was not enough, because I have one shot. Life is one thing I don’t want to leave unprepared. Life on this planet is a result of something, right? Whether it be by a supernatural or not, however you feel, life on this planet happened. Mom and dad’s teaching, some science teacher, a kid at school, a friend, was not enough to risk my one shot on.


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