Friday, July 28, 2006

Just a Glimpse

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Every now and then I kick back and watch a movie. Usually I put in a Jet Lee or an Action film, but the other night I was feeling like a more mellow flick, so “The Family Man” was the movie. It is one of my favorite movies; Nicolas Cage plays Jack Campbell, a Wall Street trader who thinks he has it all. Jack Campbell is given the opportunity to see what his life would have been like if he decided to marry his high school sweetheart. At one point in the movie Jack realizes this is only a glimpse and not a permanent thing. He realizes that he might be going back to his Wall Street life and does not want to. He fights to stay awake hoping that staying awake will allow him to say in this world where he is married to his high school sweetheart and the father of two kids. However he can not stay awake forever and falls asleep, causing his to go back to his Wall Street lifestyle. With everything back to normal, he only wants to get back to the world he had in his glimpse.

What would a glimpse of a life totally dedicated to God look like? What would a life where you truly enjoy God look like? How would you feel at work? How would you feel at play? How would you feel around strangers? If you were totally in awe of God what would that life look like? The bible gives us a glimpse of that life.

Genesis 12-25 the life of Abraham. Abraham was first tested in obedience, Genesis 12, he was asked to leave his family. Trust even when it seems hard, Genesis 15, God promises Abraham an heir. Sarah and Abraham later in Genesis 21 have a child. How do we know Abraham totally trusted God and loved God above anything else? Genesis 22, Abraham was going to sacrifice his only some because God asked him to do it, however at the last minute God provided a alternative to sacrificing his son. If God wanted it done Abraham would have done it.

Genesis 37-50 the life of Joseph. He receives a dream as a young boy, Genesis 37, and as a result of sharing too much his brother sell him into slavery. Joseph’s life to me shows a big example of faith and dedication. Here he is sold into slavery, Genesis 37:28, Thrown in jail for a crime he did not commit, Genesis 39:19-23. After years of slavery and torment he is made second in command in the land of Egypt. Later his family moves to Egypt and his brothers fear that Joseph will show his anger and repay all the wrong that they did to him. Joseph responds in Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.” Joseph held to that God had a plan for him amongst all the harm that was inflicted on him.

Exodus 2 – Deuteronomy 34 the life of Moses. Moses spends his whole life listening to complaining and also listening to God. In one ear the Israelites are acting like children and in the other the Creator is speaking. The majority of Moses’ life is spent trying to get the Israelites from point A to point B. However Moses’ never gets to lead the people into the land God had promised them. He dies right as their about to enter the land.

The majority of the New Testament tells the story of Paul’s life. Paul has a life changing experience that changes him from the lifestyle of killing followers of Christ to a lifestyle dedicated to the expansion of a Man’s word that he use to kill the followers of. He finds himself traveling from town to town and in and out of prison. Then breathes his last upside-down on a cross.

Now will we all be killed for being followers of Christ, no, but some will. A life totally dedicated on following God is not safe. Jesus is not safe, He is good. This not safe lifestyle does not appeal to us at first because we like things that are safe. Jack Campbell thought his life on Wall Street was the best he could have, until he got a glimpse of a different life that at first did not appeal to him. Do we really fully understand what we could have if we only dedicated our lives totally to whatever He would call us to? On that unavoidable day of death, will wish you could go back in time and change some choices you have made.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger Ed said...

You make a good point Dave. The Bible says that we are strangers in this world. (1 Peter 2:11). Things will never feel completely comfortable as Christians because we living in an evil world. Paul talks about this in Phillipians 1:21-24-

"For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better. Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ. I really don't know which is better. I'm torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ. That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live."

Sometimes being a Christian is tough. Many choices we make are tough because we are conflicted between what is right and what is natural. The natural choice being the sinful choice - the choice of the flesh. But, we have peace knowing that as Christians, we will go to live with Jesus for all eternity. Only then will we find true peace. That will be our final escape from all the temptation, evil, and sin of this world.

That being said, it is amazing how much better we have it these days. The people in the Bible went through so much persecution and still remained strong in faith. As Americans, we are very fortunate to have freedom to share the gospel of Jesus with others. We should not waste this freedom, but try to reach out to others who are searching for answers.

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Ed said...

You make a good point Dave. The Bible says that we are strangers in this world. (1 Peter 2:11). Things will never feel completely comfortable as Christians because we living in an evil world. Paul talks about this in Phillipians 1:21-24-

"For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better. Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ. I really don't know which is better. I'm torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ. That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live."

Sometimes being a Christian is tough. Many choices we make are tough because we are conflicted between what is right and what is natural. The natural choice being the sinful choice - the choice of the flesh. But, we have peace knowing that as Christians, we will go to live with Jesus for all eternity. Only then will we find true peace. That will be our final escape from all the temptation, evil, and sin of this world.

That being said, it is amazing how much better we have it these days. The people in the Bible went through so much persecution and still remained strong in faith. As Americans, we are very fortunate to have freedom to share the gospel of Jesus with others. We should not waste this freedom, but try to reach out to others who are searching for answers.


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