Thursday, July 20, 2006

Remeber When... (My New Toy Part 4)

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Every time I get around my brothers we bring up the old days. Remember when Mike broke him arm jumping off the dumpster and blamed it on Dan. Remember when Dave got that fire house dropped on his head, that explains a lot. Remember when Dan use to throw you guys off the bed. Remember the old days, they were so much fun. Sometimes I forget how much fun life can be.

When life gets tough it is very hard to enjoy it. During those times of refinement it can be easy to loose focus. “When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” James 1:2-3

For two years I was angry with God. I only saw my situation as unnecessary and a cruel act from God. People told me all the time those Christian clichés, but lets be honest those sayings do nothing for the person going through the situation. I new all the clichés, but all that lost its application once the fire was turned on. Once the fire of refinement was turned on I only wanted out. I was upset and totally focused on my personal need and cared nothing about being refined. It is extremely difficult to enjoy refinement.

Last year, I had to go through another season of refinement. This time was still difficult, and still brought tears and periods of needing a hug from mom & dad, but my attitude was totally different. Instead of being angry with God I was frustrated with myself. I wanted immediate resolve to the situation, but that was not what God had planned. Then all the sudden when I was starting to get comfortable, the situation resolved.

Every time of refinement has brought about a good change in my life. In the beginning of college I learned to count on God for consistence. Last year I learned the importance of placing God first, as your first love. God never stops working in His children’s lives, we however may choose to stop trusting Him. Faith based on the comfort level of your life is no faith at all.


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