Friday, July 21, 2006

It's A Flocking

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When I first started college I was searching for anyone to be my friend. All I wanted was to feel like someone outside my family cared about me. There was a small group of people who would at random times to out and “Flock” a person’s house. What I mean by Flock is they took pink, plastic, yard flamingos and put them around a person’s yard. This would happen late at night or while the person was at work and so… surprise you have flamingoes in your yard. It was a joke that went around with some people I knew, but I felt unwanted because it never happened to me.

On morning I woke up and my mom was pestering me. She was wondering if I had looked at the yard, what, like I care about the yard. So I humored my mom and looked out the front window. The front yard was cover with all kinds of stuff. I showered and went out to see what was out there. Of course the flamingos were there, accompanied by a kiddy pool with goldfish in it, and tons of McDonald’s play land balls. Of course mom was all giggly, but Dan, my little brother, and I were thinking up our revenge to the one who flocked us. We figured out who had flocked us, and we flocked them back.

I have to admit I do not know how anyone would have wanted to be my friend when I was 19 till I was 21 years old. I was a downer. Things like this would happen and I would still go into my depressed state. But then again do I always notice the blessings God sends my way. Do I realize that I am special to Him?


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