Monday, March 10, 2008

Be Careful

It seems like every week I am hearing Evangelical churches using and referring to material that Rob Bell has put together. While the Nooma videos are very appealing and entertaining, should they be used when the videos could cause people to think, "this is cool" and like most of us do follow the cool things to areas we should not go?

Resistance and denial without second thought happens most of the time when I try to warn people about Rob Bell being an Open Theist. Most of those who deny this do not even know what the term Open Theist means, they only know that they like the videos and books he puts together, and there is noway something they like would be bad.

I am still researching for a term paper that I am writing for my seminary class, so I will try to share and explain what Open Theism is and why we as Christians should be aware of it. For more on Rob Bell and Open Theism click the link below and read the article, there are plenty of articles about this but I thought this one would be the easiest for you to read and understand.


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