Thursday, May 03, 2007

Who do you trust?

One day I was half awake, not really paying attention to what was on the TV at the time when all the sudden a thought came to my mind. Who do you trust? The funny part is this thought came to me during college but I never let it sink in to my mind. C.J. Mahaney wrote "We let subjective impressions determine what we'll accept as objective fact." also "We let our feelings tell us what's true, instead of letting the truth transform our feelings."

During college I began to question what people were telling me. I began a process of evaluating whether they were telling me feelings or truth. I do not understand how people can say the bible does not speak truth. How can a person say the bible is untruthful but yet consider Roman history any better? It is by sneaky thinking, thinking that really does not explain away that which can be supported.

Evolutionists will ask how can you believe the God created the earth in six days then we have evidence that says something else. Really? Are you sure? Outside of hypothesized assupmtions concerning our origins the only support evolution has is by fossils. Now there are arguments about dating methods and how reliable they are, but if they were true wouldn't there be undeniable support for them? No one questions the process of mitosis or photosynthesis, because if they do the scientists just take them over to a microscope and tells them watch.

One question, amongst several, that no one can truthfully answer is this.....Did Jesus stay in the tomb? If He did then, He lied and is there for not capable of completing that which He spoke of. If His body was stolen then how come there is so much evedence contrary to that? If He was not dead on the cross, then how could three days be enough for Him to heal, and be walking with the poeple three days later? What I am saying is to even start the process of supporting that the Christian God is not real, you have to, aside from feelings, go after that which Christ did. It is almost pointless to come at a true believer in Christ from any other way.

Some people do not want to accept the supernatural things happen, because they do not happen as they want them too. It's almost like there is a conclusion that God can't be real because there is pain in this world, creation was not done in a way that scientist could figure it out, and things like that.

We are acustomed to having it our way. Restraunts bend over backwards to prepare food exactly the way you want. Car companies try to build you either a inexpensive vehicle, comfortable, reliable, sporty, luxury, and put all the little add on's that people want, just so you'll buy their product. Whenever we think up an idea for something that would benefit our lives, we either run to the store and buy it or someone envents it. Our only aparent limitation is our mind. Our limitations are much more then that, feelings play such a role on how we think and act. So who can be trusted?

Many believe that it is us humans, at least the ones we label as smart, that can be trusted. How do we know that it is those that we call smart are actually the ones who are smart? Is a person smart just because they can memorize a bunch of information? Is a person smart because they are a great idea generator? Is a person smart because they can invent things? If we can't even determin who is smart without being bias, how can we even begin to support our conclusions about the Christian God not being real.

This is all still running around in my mond so it might be hard to understand.


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