Saturday, July 07, 2007

Some Questions

One thing I would like to ask the greatest scientists of today is this: Where you there when the foundations of the earth were laid? Then how do you even think you know where to start explaining them? Why does the earth have the dimensions that it has? Why does the earth have an elliptical orbit rather then a circular one? What supports the earth and the life on it? Why does the sea stop at the shore? Why do clouds come in different sizes and shapes? Have you ever caused the sun to raise in the west? Have you ever been to the deepest depth of the oceans? Where does light come from and where does darkness go? Can you direct the movement of the stars? Can you change the seasons? Can you make it rain when a drought is upon the land? You are God's critic, but do you have the answers?

So I was paraphrasing Job 38 and 39, but the question still remains. If you are God's critic, do you have the answers? Science can take a gander at a few of these questions. Ones like the dimension of the earth and the elliptical orbit of this planet, they have a guess as to why that is. However, no one on earth can make the sun set in the east or rise in the west. No one can move a star from the path it is on.

Life is a confusing experience, and can throw you several curve balls along the way, but how do you face it? At the end of high school I found myself alone and frustrated. The friends that I thought would always be there were soon gone. The God that I had learned about during my childhood seemed weak. I drove a beat up car that did not run well, a mom that worried too much, and a father that worked a lot. Now I could have decided to turn my back on God and walk away from it all, it would have been easy and old friends were already on that path waiting for me to choose that, but there was one thing that stuck in my mind. If God is weak and they have all the answers, what are these answers?

A person's opinion is exactly that, an opinion, a view point that does not have to be true. Who is the one with the opinion, and who is the one telling me the truth? Good thing I am such a stubborn guy, or sifting through all the lies and misleading theories out there would have drove me crazy.

Anytime someone talks about evolution I have a hard time being patient and kind with them. Book after book that I have read on this topic it is like the evolutionary scientists are saying, 'If there is a God, He will prove it through our methods of scientific study.' When did we, humans, get smart enough to even begin to understand a God? Let me put it in their words, when did the minds on the human species become so in-tune to how the universe functions and the laws of the universe that we can say that, if there is a God our methods of science and studies will prove it. Just because I say we're not that smart, people call me dumb, narrow minded, uninformed, ignorant, and many other things.


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