Friday, August 25, 2006

You Forgot My Birthday

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      This past Wednesday was my birthday, twenty-seven, that’s not old is it. Anyway the day started with an early wake-up call from my mom. She wanted to tell me happy birthday and assumed I would be up and on my way to school, however my school starts later this year, so I was asleep when she called. Of course once people at the school I work at found out it was my birthday, everyone started teasing me and wishing me a happy birthday. My best friend called me to say happy birthday, on his way to class. Another friend of mine left me an e-mail saying happy birthday. Finally I could get some things setup in my classroom, and as soon as I got really moving on getting things done mom called again, this time I picked up. We talked for thirty minutes and then I went to get some lunch. I ended up eating with a youth minister friend of mine, a good time as always. Then went back to school to get some more done. That night I had small group training, and found out it was another guy’s birthday as well. Afterward some of us went to IHOP for a late dinner/dessert. My older brother called me while I was there and later on my way home I called him back. The whole day went by and some people that usually call me did not. I did not get a happy birthday call, e-mail, or even a card from my dad, little brother, the nieces, or either sister-in-law.

      My immediate family members don’t send presents or even a card anymore. Grandma and Grandpa always send a card, so I know that will come on or around my birthday. My best friend knows what I like best and gave me a book he was reading and thought I might like. Another friend of mine gave me some books weeks before my birthday for my birthday, he could not wait to give them to me. There were some others who sent me cards, but not a single one from my immediate family.

      It is so easy to say that this lack of sending things to me or even calling me on my birthday is a reflection of how much they care about me. After all I never forget to call them on their birthdays. I live eight hours away from my family and miss them a lot, and usually do not get the chance to talk to them, so the birthday call is a long awaited call. My mom asked me this morning if I was upset about them not calling me. No I’m not upset just surprised. They have never forgotten to call me, so something must have come up for them to have forgotten.

      Can love or the amount a person cares be measured by meeting our expectations? I expect to get a call from at least my immediate family on my birthday, but do I let that hinder our relationship when they forget? Our best friends are expected to be there anytime we need them, are they really? Do we let that hinder our relationship?

      I know that my best friend is my best friend and I am his, but often when we talk our minds are elsewhere. He lives two hours away from me now and when I visit there are usually a lot of things going on. One time I went to visit him and spent two nights reading in his room, while he was at work.

      When we were old enough to drive mom and dad got my brothers and I a car. Not a brand new car but a used car. My older brother’s first car was a 1986 Chevy Citation, now there’s a cool car, yeah right. His second car was a 1987 Dodge Dakota, that’s a two door pick-up. My first car was a 1986 Ford Taurus, with only a radio no tape player. The second car was the hand-me-down of my mom, a 1989 Chevy Astro, the biggest mini-van on the market. My little brother got a 1994 Chevy Corsica, with only 12,000 mile on it. Even though my little brother got a way better car, my love for my parents did not change.

      God is ….. What is God to you? Is He a dad who gives you everything you want? Is your relationship with Him off and on again? Do we let that fact that God will not always do things that way we want, wedge between our love for Him. I will admit it I did that in college. I was angry and yelled at Him because I was frustrated that things were not going my way. But who am I to tell Him how to run things.

      Am I about to let the lack of a simple phone call or card wedge between my relationship with my brother, sister-in-laws, nieces, or even my father, NO. My love for them is not measured in things they do, but who they are. My father is my father, and I will not have another father like him. He is the guy that took me out fishing, tossed a ball with, wrestled on the carpet, beat the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game with, built model rockets with, and supports me, in his own way through life. My sister-in-laws are hilarious, they are the women of my life, a girl I can talk to about things, and treat like a sister. My nieces are the coolest and cutest little girls. To my nieces I am a Jungle Gym, a person to play house with, the guy that takes them to get donuts, and to one I am the Monkey Moose, that’s a nickname she gave me. Am I about to let anything come between our relationship, NO. I love them and they love me no matter what.

      Am I about to let the fact that God does not perform the way I want come between our relationship, NO. He is my comforter, strength, ear when I need to talk, He is everything I need, and everything He does is icing on the cake. He did not have to send His son to die for my sins, He could have chosen to forget about us and leave us to Satan to have, but He didn’t. He could have chosen to sit back after creation was completed, but He doesn’t. He could have wiped the world out, but let Noah build an ark to save it. There are many things God did not have to do but He did, and I am not about to let anything wedge between our relationship.

      A child who gets everything they want is called a……what? spoiled brat, right. If we do not except this behavior from children towards their parents, why do we accept this behavior toward God? It seems like a double standard to me. This concept amazes me that people can treat God like a rich dad who gives them everything they want, without reservation of what you really need.

      My dad did not forget my birthday I talked to him today and he said he left a voice mail on my phone. Maybe my phone was acting weird that dad, or maybe dad was lying, but which would you choose. I choose to trust my father over my phone; I know my phone has a history of messing up from time to time.

      My little brother did not forget either, he just sent his e-mail to an account I have not checked in years. So I have the choice either believe his story about not knowing the e-mail I have used for a year now, or he forgot and came up with a good excuse. I choose to believe he is telling the truth and had the wrong e-mail.

      With God the same thing is true we have a choice between what is true and what someone would have us believe as true. Some of us buy the lie, and some buy the truth. Some might say, your dad is lying to you and so is your brother, but I choose to believe their story. People will tell me God does not exist, I choose not to believe them based on what I know and have experienced with Him. Choose this day whom you will serve…


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